Memorie di Orani (italian text)

Memorie di Orani (italian text)

Memorie di Orani
Costantino Nivola
pp. 97
Ilisso, Nuoro 2003


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Memorie di Orani
Costantino Nivola
pp. 97
Ilisso, Nuoro 2003


An appreciated artist turns out to be a surprising writer. Costantino Nivola never left Sardinia. And if his figurative works give a synthetic testimony of this bond in the use of symbols, compared to them he felt the need not to give up anything of the detailed story, rich in so many characters, shades, places, colors, nostalgically and dramatically distant feelings. Orani, among the different centers that polarized his memory, is certainly the first and the most important: the bond with his homeland and family, with his mother, the woman-bread, the absolute protagonist of his entire human life and artistic.